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Hacking truth


There are several ways and tricks of hacking of hacking accounts. This can be divided in 2 types

1: Hacking a website to get user data (passwords etc).
2: Attacking users to get their data.

Well the 1st type of hacking requires years of knowledge and experience because, these huge website companies have separate department to save their site from getting hacked. it is common sense one man can't beat the whole team of expert and qualified team of programmers. In a nutshell its more difficult and almost impossible.

But the 2nd type of hacking on the other side have more possibilities. This can be done by

creating a login page exactly like the site your victim has the account in. And then finding a way so that victim can login to your fake website and you'll get his (username, password). This is done by sending him fake email or request and provide him link to your fake website so that victim has to login through your link.

This method how ever requires moderate knowledge of html, web deigning, php, mysql to get the job done..


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