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Does golden-cows.com realy pays you bitcoin?


                Well this is quite popular site among bitcoin lovers but, not sure whether it will pay you the bitcoins. Why, when you register you self then the statistics are as follows:

Green cow         = 100 gold                            7 milk bottles / hour
Yellow cow        = 100 gold                            70 milk bottles / hour
Brown cow        = 100 gold                            370 milk bottles / hour

And milk bottles conversion rates are:

100 milk bottles = 1 gold            

 *(10,000 bottles then you can purchase any one cow mentioned above).

And splits are    = 10% goes to your withdrawal and 90% into reinvest accounts.

But when you collect up to 800+ gold, cows prices goes up and milk selling prices declines.

Green cow          = 500 gold
Yellow cow         = 100 gold
Brown cow         = 15000 gold
And milk bottles conversion rates are:
1000 milk bottles = 1 gold            
 (*50,000 bottles then you can purchase only green cow).

*In these calculations splits are not taken into account just to keep things simple.

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